If a family is experiencing one or more vulnerabilities, as outlined on page titled “Who can join the KEYS Network”, a service provider such as a GP can seek consent to refer a family to the KEYS Network.
Goals for each family member are developed with the family and their Lead Service Provider. Families share their story and develop their goals through a Family Plan with their Lead Service Provider. The family decide who can see their plan and should only need to tell their story once.
The KEYS Network supports services to work holistically to better meet the needs of the family. A team of professionals will support the lead service provider to navigate the service system, to meet the family’s goals, taking into account their strengths and challenges, assisting families to gain timely access to services that meet their needs.
KEYS takes the protection of your personal information seriously. Data is stored securely, is protected by State and Federal legislation and is only shared with relevant services to allow for the safety and wellbeing of your family.
By consenting to a referral to the KEYS Network, you acknowledge that relevant information about you and your family may be shared between services as part of the referral process and as part of your involvement with KEYS.
The sharing of information between services is permitted under the provisions of Chapter 16A of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act, 1998.
There are many services across health, education, housing and community services and knowing what services and pathways are available can be difficult.
KEYS works with service providers to connect families to the services they need, and if there is a gap or barrier, KEYS will help to address it.
Families are reaching crisis point due to a lack of information sharing and opportunities for early intervention.
KEYS recognises that families often work with multiple services to achieve their goals. A digital tool is being developed that will allow for improved communication between services to better meet a family’s needs and enable timely access to services.
Contracting and reporting arrangements between multiple agencies and service providers are complex and difficult.
Government agencies will adopt a simpler approach to reduce administrative and reporting requirements.
Currently it is difficult to raise concerns, solve problems collectively and have clear follow-through on issues.
KEYS is taking an iterative approach, where we learn from real experience and use it to improve the Network.